
Ep129: Hungry for Hungary

Bet you didn’t think there was a wine out there called Furmint, but in fact, there is! You’d probably also be surprised to hear it is from one of the only countries that has its own oak too – Hungary! Not only does Hungary sit on the same latitude as the infamous Burgundy, but it produces a wine that was once called “the wine of kings and the king of wines.” Pour yourself something fit for a king and explore Hungry for Hungary with us!

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Ep128: True Grit

Do you have what it takes? To really sink your teeth into it and get it done? Nothing worth it ever comes easy, and this episode we drill down into what “True Grit” really means. In the age of convenience, we thought we’d remind ourselves of what it takes to truly overcome the obstacles in life. But, hey, let’s make the journey fun and sip along with our episode’s namesake – True Grit Reserve Petite Sirah. Grab a glass, press play, and join us!

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Ep112: Mad Hatter

Oh, the many hats we wear! Have you taken a moment lately to count all the hats you wear in a given day? From spouse to parent to professional/employee, it can be overwhelming to think of the various roles we play in our daily lives. Most people actually never “check out” for the day, but simply change hats. This episode we talk about the balancing act we play with the several hats we wear and how to avoid truly becoming the “Mad Hatter.” So take a break and put on your wine-drinking hat!

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Ep53: Charity Gone South

In the spirit of giving and helping the needy, donating old or “out of style” clothing always makes us feel charitable. But where do your clothes really go? What if we told you as far away as to Africa?! And that they were actually being sold, not given away! Wake up and smell the cash! We did, and decided to share with you all we’ve learned about our nation’s approach to clothing donation in this episode – everything from “fast fashion” to what you should absolutely never do with your old clothes! We paired this topic with Purple Heart Red Wine, a charitable wine to discuss a charitable (or maybe not, we will let you decide!) topic!

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Ep37: The Magic of the 45th

Some call it the “Magnificent Mile” for wine growing, but what is really behind all the fuss of the 45th parallel? This invisible line runs halfway between the equator and the North Pole, where some of the best wines of the world are grown. We delve into the fascination of this geographical prominence – is it really magical or is there more to it? – all while drinking a namesake wine coming from the Rhône valley itself, which is knee-deep in those 45 degrees of latitude.

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Ep18: Kith and Kin: Who’s In Your Tribe?

Your wealth should be measured by who’s in your community, not by what’s in your wallet. Learn about Dunbar’s number, join us for a mini-book club discussion of Sebastian Junger’s “Tribe: A Book on Homecoming and Belonging,” and hear how our society’s evolution has led us down a path of fewer interactions and meaningful relationships, creating more isolation. Quality over quantity, DBPeeps! As we pop open the 2015 Kith & Kin Cabernet Sauvignon, snuggle up with your favorite tribe member and listen in. #whatreallymatters

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