
Ep137: DBP Anniversary: 5 Years and Blind Tasting No. 2

We couldn’t think of a better way to mark 5 years of the Drunk Bitches Podcast than with a blind tasting….and who doesn’t love a blind tasting?! We are so excited to bring you our second episode fully experiencing the joys and pains of blind tasting. What did we pick for each other and why? Join us and laugh along as we guess our way through the glass. Hint hint: this time we have a red and a white!

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Ep100: DBP’s Centennial

Wow! It’s our Centennial! The 100th DBP episode!! We are celebrating this most momentous occasion with a memorable wine from our DBP trip to Napa Valley, while reflecting on our growth since our beginnings. How have our wine tastes evolved, and what have been our most favorite episodes, and most surprising wines we’ve tasted? We reflect on all of this and more as we journey back 100 episodes and more than 100 wines!! Pop open something yummy and celebrate along with us!

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Ep71: Up In Smoke

Vaping, touted as a “safe” alternative to smoking, has flooded the market in the past decade with kids in middle school adopting the habit. I mean there are bubblegum and candy flavors, so it has to be okay, right? WRONG! Recently, cases of severe lung illness and even death attributed to e-cigarettes are increasingly making national headlines. Some states have taken the initiative to ban e-cigarettes, and the POTUS is considering an emergency nation-wide ban. Are these extreme measures, or is our government warranted in their alarmest reaction? Listen in as we discuss what’s behind the flavored aerosol vapor that has swept our nation, all while drinking a lovely Pouilly Fume (and find out if it’s actually smoky or if that’s just the namesake).

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guest, interview, podcast

Ep58: A Diviner Among Us

A “vision of what’s to come,” a diviner has magical insight into the future. This episode, we have our own diviner among us, as we welcome our guest Christina who’s adept in numerology, the belief in the divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. Christina helps us delve into the mystical principles of numerology, as we find out our key life numbers and the meaning behind them! You’ll never believe which number your two DBP hosts have in common…it’s pretty remarkable! Listen in as we discover the truth behind the numbers!

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Ep36: Tidy Up! Method vs. Madness

Feeling a little disorganized? Well if you’re anything like your DBP hosts, we’re a little bit on the OCD side of cleaning. So when we learned about the KonMari method for cleaning we had to investigate what all the fuss was about! We crack open her method, discuss the madness, and propose some alternative cleaning methods we think you might like. Pop open a bottle of Momentos Reserva, and be prepared to start wondering whether all those mementos you’ve got in your house are a keep or thank and get rid of!

Check out Marie Kondo’s best-seller here!

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Ep34: WTF 2018!

Time to wrap up 2018!! As we come to the end of this most amazing year – the inaugural DBP year – we take a pause to appreciate and reflect on the last 365 days. But also to say, “WTF 2018?!” From fake emergency missile threats to famous rappers in the White House, we recall the events of this year that literally made us stop in our tracks, with nothing but a blank stare, thinking WTF! And we close out the year with a wine from one of our favorite winemakers, with a label that accurately reflects how we feel in this episode: Orin Swift’s Blank Stare Sauvignon Blanc. You won’t want to miss this!

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Ep16: The Man

In this episode, Orin Swift’s ‘Mannequin’ flows into our glasses and our discussion about a University of Texas program designed to change the definition of ‘masculinity.’ But how – and who! – exactly defines what masculinity is or isn’t? As you join us for this slightly controversial chat, fill up your glass and sip along!

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