
Ep132: It’s a Celebration Bitches: 4 Years

4 years?! Time sure does fly when you are having fun…especially while drinking wine! This episode we break out the wines we picked up on our inaugural DBP visit to Sonoma at a charming winery in Carneros. We both chose the same wine, but different vintages in anticipation of popping them for a special occasion. Listen in as we celebrate our DBPversary, and reflect while enjoying two beauties from the same vineyard! Sip along, because it’s a celebration, bitches!

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Ep126: Falling Into the Amazon Wolftrap

Next day delivery!! Most of us have fallen into the Amazon wolftrap of at-your-fingertips delivery of absolutely everything from eggs to curtains. I mean, it’s hard not to! How can you turn down the service that has single-handedly changed the nation’s framework in how goods reach the consumer? Need a frame to put a picture up? Amazon Prime it for tomorrow! And don’t forget to check all the reviews to make sure you’re getting the best one! Have you ever wondered, though, what is behind the curtain of convenience? Well, it may surprise you, and even get you to question the entire way you live your life (dramatic, but maybe) – we are diving into the Jeff Bezos way of running a business! You will definitely need to sip on something delish for this one!

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Ep65: This Wine is Uncanny

Wine in a can?! While it may sound outrageous, the new trend is to can our favorite beverage for convenience, portability, and because it’s the hip new thing. As more and more producers jump on the canned wine train, we have been asking ourselves if we should join this modern movement. So to get to the bottom of the can, so to speak, we decided to compare every aspect of canned vs bottled wine, from taste to cost. We grabbed a bottle and a can of pinot noir from one of the biggest entrepreneurs in the canned wine industry – Union Wine Company – for our taste test challenge. Is the can too good to be true? Or is it the perfect way for wine to be a part of all our adventures? Grab a bottle or can (or both!) and listen in to find out! #pinkiesdown

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