
Ep19: All Hail The Almighty Serge Hochar: His Legendary Perseverance

The only way a great wine can get better is with an inspiring story to back it. With a philosophy of winemaking that transcends decades of war, a wine legend is born. In this episode, we explore the story of the Lebanese winery, Château Musar, and the man behind it all – Serge Hochar. Serge continued to pursue quality, organic winemaking throughout a 20 year civil war and only lost 2 vintages. With a delicious wine and a remarkable history – Serge and his legacy leave us awe-struck! Find a bottle of Musar Jeune (or, if you’re really ambitious, the elevated Château Musar) red blend and drink though this life-altering story with us! All Hail the Almighty Château Musar!

View the pictures Sarah raved about at their website: http://chateaumusar.com 

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